A Fool In Love : The do's and don't of Valentines day
Updated: Feb 25, 2022
By Sadie Sweet
February 14th, better known as Valentine’s Day, is a holiday dedicated to love for all ages. People use this holiday to express their love to one another using gifts or making them feel loved. It continued for centuries to keep the reputation of believing in the importance of love. There are so many ways to keep love in the air this holiday season, although let’s avoid the ones that will make cupid miss his shot to your heart. Here is a list of the do’s and don'ts of 2022 Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day DO
Make hand crafted or homemade gifts/cards. It means a lot receiving something that was made just for you.
Set up DIY cozy dates. By setting up a cute date that you have completed all by yourself, will let your significant other be more appreciative. It’s heart felt to see the effort you put into for such a special day.
“Pick out movies we would both like to watch.”- Ethan Grabich
“Be creative.”-Natasha Rey
“Take them to the place you first met for memorabilia. Maybe take photos and give a gift.”-Michael Howlett
Valentine’s Day DON’T
Buy expensive gifts. Money can’t buy love. It’s not the value of the gift but rather the thought that counts.
Go out to expensive restaurants. Not all partners are expecting a million dollar dinner. Staying at home and being able to control your environment lets you be more comfortable.
“Do not force them to pay at all.”-Ethan Grabich
“Don’t go over the top.”-Natasha Rey
“Do not ask your significant other to supply you with the thing you need to execute the surprise date. Or plan to make it 50/50.”-Michael Howlett
For The SIngles Out There
DO: Buy yourself a treat.. Maybe a box of chocolates or a self care day?
DON’T: Do not feel guilty about treating yourself.