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Inside Look With Our Winter Coaches


By Connor Bonicky and Robert Gordon

With the excitement of the fall season coming to a conclusion and winter sports on the horizon, We took the liberty of interviewing some of the school's most loved and respected coaches and players and asked them a few different questions about their feelings about the upcoming season. The questions ranged from expectations all the way to overall confidence in the team's abilities. The feedback was mostly positive, and it was a joy to interview the coaches and get an inside view on the pressure and preparation that really go into preparing for the upcoming season.

We started with Coach Millar, the boys' bowling coach, whose feedback was almost 100% positive, who showed great excitement, and who had a lot of confidence in his team's ability to win. However, the only issue that he shed light on was the lack of kids trying out for the team this year; he even tried to recruit Connor and me mid-interview!

After Coach Millar, we interviewed Coach Adelizzi. He is the wrestling coach, and he seemed to have high hopes for the team this year. He went on about the graduating class last year and how a bunch of kids are stepping up as there are a handful of underclassmen. Adelizzi also believes that some of the kids, particularly senior Mason Livio, have a chance to make states and win. Mason has a lot of talent, and he works hard to get better. He looks to make a run for the state championship in his weight class.

Across the hallway was coach Lowe, the girls basketball coach. He has been the girls' coach for quite some time now, and he looks forward to each season more and more. Coach Lowe is excited to begin as the girls lost a couple of key players, with one of them being 1,000-point scorer Bridget Dudas. Coach Lowe goes on to talk about how he expects a bunch of girls to step up this season, with one being junior Ava Slinchak. He also continues to go on about the incoming freshman class, as there are a solid number of girls coming to the team. He has high hopes for the girls and just wants them to compete in each game no matter what.

And last but not least, we have coach Becker, the girls bowling coach, who shared a great deal of excitement for the upcoming season and was quite confident in his team's ability to succeed despite the lack of numbers. All in all, the winter sports teams are eagerly awaiting their upcoming season, despite some challenges that they will face along the way.


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