Senior Breakfast
Updated: Jan 28, 2022
Image credit: thecateyeprsd
By Heron Boyd
On Friday, December 3rd, the Senior class of 2022 kicked off their weekend with the Pinelands annual senior breakfast. The Senior Breakfast is a special event for the seniors, in their last year of high school, to spend a nice morning together with their fellow classmates, and feast on a wonderful Christmas meal. Then after the scrumptious meal the senior class is led into the commons surrounded by creative and beautiful decorations. The decorations are given to the seniors to design and decorate the Pinelands Christmas tree located in the commons. For breakfast the seniors were served a variety of different foods. To list a few, there were scrambled eggs, sausages, chocolate chip french toast, crispy bacon, different varieties of fruits, water, gatorade, and more. In a brief interview I asked fellow seniors to answer some questions in regards to the senior breakfast. The first two people I asked were Ashley Scarpone and Madison Romano. They were asked to answer a simple question. That question was “What was your favorite part about the senior breakfast?”. Ashley and Madison both answered “My favorite moment was being able to sit with my friends”. The next senior I talked to was Laura Leeds. Laura was asked the same question, and her response was “I liked how we could decorate our own ornaments, and hang them on the tree, and to also be able to have and share that moment with our friends!”. The last person I asked was Jessica Capriglione, her answer was “ Me and my friend Tori Duym recreated old photos.” Overall, the senior class enjoyed their senior breakfast and were able to create new memories in their last year together. Being a senior in my last year of highschool I also enjoyed the breakfast, not just because of the food but because everyone in my senior class was able to come together to make wonderful memories together around the christmas tree.